Recruiting Drivers


As an Ambassador, one of your most impactful roles is recruiting new drivers to join Teleport and the TRIP network. By expanding the base of drivers, you help grow the TRIP community, enhance the rider experience, and increase your own TRIP Miles earnings. One of the most effective methods we’ve found for recruiting drivers is visiting the local airport and speaking with drivers in the rideshare queue.

Recruiting at the Airport

1. Head to your local airport

Airports are prime locations for recruiting drivers because they attract a large number of rideshare drivers, many of whom are looking for ways to maximize their earnings. These drivers often wait in a designated queue for Uber and Lyft rides, sometimes for 10 minutes or longer, providing a perfect opportunity for you to introduce them to TRIP and Teleport.

2. Find the Rideshare Queue

Once at the airport, locate the area where rideshare drivers are parked while waiting for their next ride request. This is typically a designated queue or holding lot. Approach the drivers one at a time, and be polite and respectful as you introduce yourself.

3. Talk with Drivers

Knock on the driver’s window and introduce yourself as an Ambassador for Teleport (keep things simple—no need to mention TRIP as well), a new rideshare app that’s changing the game for drivers.

Explain that with Teleport, drivers earn 85% of the fare—significantly more than the typical earnings with other rideshare apps like Uber or Lyft.

4. Encourage Sign-Ups on the Spot

If the driver expresses interest and has an iOS device, encourage them to sign up for the Teleport app right there. Walk them through the sign-up process if necessary, and answer any questions they might have about how Teleport works. Highlight the benefits, such as higher earnings, greater control, and being part of a growing, driver-focused community.

5. Follow Up

If a driver seems interested but doesn’t have time to sign up on the spot, text them your invite link so you have their phone number and can follow up with them. You can also leave them with a flyer or business card that includes your invite code, the Teleport website, and instructions on how to download the app. Proactively check in with them over text message later that day to see if they were able to download and get into the app. Encourage them to reach out to you if they have any questions later. You can also suggest they follow Teleport on X to stay updated on new developments.

Tips for Success

  • Be respectful and patient: Not all drivers will be interested right away, and some may be skeptical. Approach each conversation with patience, and focus on building rapport. Remember, you’re offering them an opportunity to earn more with Teleport.

  • Know the Details: Be prepared to answer common questions about Teleport, such as how earnings work, what areas Teleport serves, and how Teleport differs from other rideshare apps. The more knowledgeable you are, the more confidence you’ll inspire in drivers.

  • Leverage your Ambassador Tools: Use the Ambassador tools, such as personalized QR codes or invite links, to make the sign-up process seamless. These tools help track your referrals and ensure you earn TRIP Miles for each new driver you bring onboard.


Recruiting drivers is a crucial part of your role as a TRIP Ambassador, and engaging with drivers at your local airport queue is one of the most effective strategies. By approaching drivers directly, explaining the benefits of Teleport, and assisting with the sign-up process, you can significantly contribute to the growth of the TRIP network. Remember, every new driver you recruit not only strengthens the community but also boosts your own TRIP Miles earnings.


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Last updated